1. Chromatin Fibres consists of :
    a) 40% DNA, 60% Histone proteins
    b) 60% DNA, 40% Histone proteins
    c) Only DNA gets coiled without any additional proteins
    d) 40% DNA, 60% genes

2. DNA replication is known as :
    a) partial conservative in nature
    b) homogeneous division
    c) semi-permeable replication
    d) semi-conservative in nature

3. Unit of Chromatin Fibre is :
    a) Nucleotide
    b) Histone proteins
    c) Nitrogenous bases ( Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, and Thymine )
   d) Nucleosome

4. Which of the following statement for is incorrect -
    a) Genes are Not a specific sequence of nucleotides
    b) Genes encode particular proteins
    c) Genes express in the form of some particular feature of the body
    d) Every DNA segment doesn't code for any feature of the body

5. Which is the longest phase of Interphase -
    a) Mitosis
    b) Meiosis
    c) G1 Phase
    d) G2 Phase

6. Which of the following statement is incorrect -
    a) Every Cell undergoes Cell Cycle
    b) Every Cell arise from pre-existing cells
    c) Every Cell undergoes G2 Phase
    d) Every Cell undergoes G1 Phase

7. The complex structure consisting of DNA strand and a core of 8 histones, is called -
    a) Nucleosome
    b) Nucleotide
    c) Polynucleotide strand
    d) None of the above

8. Which of the following sentence is correct -
    a) Centromere joins two sister chromatin fibres in the form of a small constricted region
    b) Centromere is located either at the two ends or at the centre of two sister chromatids
    c) Centromere helps in attachment to the Spindle Fibres
    d) None of the above

9. The types of bond which joins the complementary bases in a DNA molecule -
    a) Adenine and Guanine bonds
    b) Nitrogenous bonds
    c) Phosphodiester bonds
    d) Hydrogen bonds

10. Cells enter the Resting Phase stage after the completion of -
    a) Mitosis
    b) G2 Phase
    c) Cytokinesis
    d) None of the above

11. Karyokinesis refers to the -
    a) Division of Chromosomes into two sister chromatids
    b) Division of Cytoplasm followed by division of Nucleus
    c) Division of Nucleus
    d) All of the Above

12. Adenine combines with -
    a) Thymine with two hydrogen bonds
    b) Guanine with two hydrogen bonds
    c) Cytosine with three hydrogen bonds
    d) Cytosine with two hydrogen bonds

13. Unit of DNA is -
    a) Nucleosome
    b) Chromosome
    c) Genes
    d) Nucleotide

14. DNA structure can be defined as -
    a) micromolecular structure composed of repeating nucleotides 
    b) macromolecular structure composed of repeating nucleotides
    c) A double helical structure of one phosphate molecule, one tetra sugar molecule and four Nitrogenous bases
    d) A structure formed of millions of Nucleosome spirally arranged

15. Guanine is the "complementary" base for -
    a) a pyrimidine base
    a) a purine base
    c) Thymine
    d) None of the above

Answers - 1. a ,  2. d ,  3. ,  4. a ,  5. c ,  6. c ,  7. a ,  8. c ,  9. d ,  10. d ,  11. c ,  12. a ,  13. d ,  14. b ,  15. a

16. The number of chromosomes in human nerve cells are -
    a) 23
    b) 46
    c) 69
    d) 76

17. The nuclear change that occurs during cell division, is called -
    a) Interphase
    b) Mitosis
    c) Karyokinesis
    d) Metaphase

18. How many chromosome are found in human liver cells -
    a) 23 pairs
    b) 46 pairs
    c) 44 pairs
    d) 22 pairs

19. Cell division helps in
    a) increasing the number of RBC count
    b) Growth and reproduction
    c) Replacement of old cells
    d) All of the above

20. After a complete mitotic division of cell, it enters into -
    a) G1 Phase
    b) Interphase
    c) Prophase
    d) None of the above

21. How many sister chromatids are there in a chromosome -
    a) 2
    b) 4
    c) 8
    d) 1

22. Cytokinesis in a cell division takes place -
    a) After Karyokinesis
    b) After Mitosis
    c) Before Karyokinesis
    d) None of the above

23. Cytokinesis refers to -
    a) Division of animal cytoplasm
    b) Division of plant cytoplasm
    c) Division of Cell organelles
    d) Both (a) and (b)

24. Adenine and Guanine belongs to
    a) Purine base
    b) Pyrimidine base
    c) Hydrogenous bases
    d) Both (a) and (b)

25. Guanine combines with Cytosine with * Hydrogen bonds, and Adenine # combines with Guanine -
    a) *3 , #with 2 hydrogen bonds
    b) *2, #with 3 hydrogen bonds
    c) *no, #doesn't
    d) No options are correct

26. A nucleotide comprises of
    a) 40%DNA and 60%histones
    b) 60%DNA and 40%histones
    c) A Phosphate molecule, a Pentose sugar molecule, and a hydrogen base
    d) A Pentose sugar molecule, a Phosphate molecule, and a nitrogenous base

27. Synthesis phase in the cell cycle is called so for the synthesis of more of
    a) RNA
    b) RNA and proteins
    c) DNA
    d) Cytoplasm

28. All the cells in our body undergoes -
    a) S Phase
    b) G1 Phase
    c) Meiosis
    d) G2 Phase

29. A specific sequence of nucleotides on a chromosome, that encode particular proteins which express in the form of some particular feature of the body, is called -
    a) DNA
    b) Nucleosome
    c) Gene
    d) Chromatin

30. The shortest phase of Interphase is -
    a) S Phase
    b) Telophase
    c) G1 Phase
    d) G2 Phase

Answers -  16. ,  17. c ,  18. a ,  19. d ,  20. a ,  21. a ,  22. a ,  23. d ,  24. a ,  25. d ,  26. d ,  27. c ,  28. b ,  29. c ,  30. d

31. The number of chromosomes in a certain type of cell division is halved. This kind of cell division occurs in -
    a) Testis
    b) Ovary
    c) Both Ovary and testis
    d) All Body cells

32. In which one of the following the stages of mitosis have been given in correct sequence -
    a) Prophase - Anaphase - Metaphase - Telophase
    b) Metaphase - Prophase - Anaphase - Telophase
    c) Prophase - Metaphase - Anaphase - Telophase
    d) Prophase - Metaphase - Telophase - Anaphase

33. Chromosome gets arranged in a horizontal plane at the equator in which phase -
    a) Prophase
    b) Anaphase
    c) Metaphase
    d) Telophase

34. Modern humans have 44 chromosomes. Their sperms and eggs will have ____ chromosomes each -
    a) 22
    b) 44
    c) 46
    d) The given fact is incorrect

35. Meiosis occurs only in -
    a) Body cells
    b) Testis only
    c) Both Testis and ovary
    d) Both (a) and (c)

36. During the pairing of chromosomes in meiosis, the ____________ chromosomes come to lie side by side -
    a) analogous
    b) cross over
    c) homologous
    d) None of the above

37. The _____________ are surrounded by radiating rays and termed as _______ which is only found in animal cell. Fill in the blanks -
    a) mitochondria, centrioles
    b) nucleus, nucleolus
    c) centromere, aster
    d) centrioles, aster

38. Nucleolus disappears and reappears in which phases of mitosis -
    a) Telophase and Metaphase respectively
    b) Anaphase and Metaphase respectively
    c) Prophase and Cytokinesis respectively
    d) Prophase and Telophase respectively

39. Karyokinesis is followed by -
    a) Meiosis
    b) Mitosis
    c) Cytokinesis
    d) None of the above

40. How many phases are there in mitosis -
    a) 4
    b) 6
    c) 5
    d) 7

41. Which part of the chromosomes help in attaching to the spindle fibres -
    a) Centrosome
    b) Chromatin
    c) Histone proteins
    d) Centromere

42. Chromosomes thin out in the form of chromatin fibres in which mitotic phase -
    a) Anaphase
    b) Interphase
    c) Prophase
    d) Telophase

43. Which cell division helps in asexual reproduction -
    a) Meiosis
    b) Mitosis
    c) Both (a) and (b)
    d) Ribosomal division

44. Cytokinesis in animal cell occurs by -
    a) Cell plate formation
    b) Furrowing of cytoplasm
    c) Ribosomal special reaction
    d) Karyokinetic ribosomal reaction

45. If a species have 70 chromosomes. At the end two mitotic cell division, each of the four daughter cells will have -
    a) 35 chromosomes
    b) 70 chromosomes
    c) 140 chromosomes
    d) 280 chromosomes

Answers - 31. c,  32. c,  33. c,  34. d,  35. c,  36. c,  37. d,  38. d,  39. c,  40. a,  41. d,  42. d,  43. b,  44. b,  45. b